January Yellow Bags

Each month Grace invites you to contribute to our “Yellow Bag” Sundays.  Yellow reusable grocery bags are available, and you are encouraged to fill them with the item of the month and return them to the church.  In November and December you generously donated items for Operation Holiday.

In January our food donations go to the food pantry at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Wichita.  If you’re out at the store and want to drop off a bag of groceries at Grace ...

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A Study of Jeremiah

Martin Burch invites you to join him for an exploration of the book of Jeremiah on Tuesdays at 2 pm starting on February 9.  The class meets on Zoom.

Jeremiah takes place during the last years of the kingdom of Judah. He warned about many of the dangers and failures that befell the kingdom as the Babylonian empire rose and finally conquered Judah. Walter Brueggemann notes that the Book of Jeremiah “speaks to and from and about deep public disruption.” We ...

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Joy Gift

Each year we receive the PCUSA Joy Gift in the Advent and Christmas Season.  According to the PCUSA the joy gift supports past, present, and future church leaders:

The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and ...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is Thursday, December 24, and is different this year for our congregation. We will not gather in the building together.  Instead, there are opportunities to worship together online and an opportunity to gather on the front lawn.  Read more below.

Online Worship:

  • We will pre-record worship from the Great Room and Sanctuary. Those services are on the Grace website by 8 am on December 24, and you may watch and worship anytime. Go here>
  • The same services premiere on Facebook ...
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Thank You, Ben and Kelsey!

Our congregation says “Thank You” to Ben Rivers and Kelsey Wise.  Ben and Kelsey served as interim music ministry coordinators this fall.  They coordinated music, musicians, rehearsals, and quarantines.  Through it all they were kind, and fun, and delightful to work with.  Their good work this fall means that Tyler Morris (our new Director of Music Ministry) comes into a music program that is ready for him and in good shape.

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