My Help Comes From the Lord

My Help Comes From the Lord

Sunday School at 10 am and Worship at 11 am

October 11            

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from Exodus 32.

October 18 

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from I Samuel 1 and 2.

October 25       

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from II Samuel 7.

November 1           

Catherine Neelly Burton preaches from I Kings 17:1-6.  We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in worship and observe All Saints Day.

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Yellow Bags October

Each month we invite you to take home a yellow reusable grocery bag and bring it back with a donation.  Many months we ask for non-perishable food, but October is different. This month we ask you to bring unopened packages of adult-sized socks and underwear for guests at the HumanKind Ministries homeless shelter.  (HumanKind was formerly Interfaith Ministries.)

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Session Updates: August

Session Summary August 17, 2020

  • The Session met via Zoom and began and ended the meeting with prayer.
  • We received a report from the music task force. They met twice before Sean Foster left.  Based on the most recent studies available the task force recommends that we allow masked singing in worship.  The most recent data shows that singing while wearing a well-fitting mask is no more dangerous that talking in a wellfitted mask. Social distancing rules still apply. If a group ...
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Sunday Worship October 11 – November 8

We continue to offer Sunday School and one in person worship service on Sunday mornings. The worship service is always available to live stream on Facebook or to watch on Monday on our website.  Our schedule changes on October 11 so note the new times.

October 11-November 8

10:00 am – Sunday School for all ages

11:00 am – Worship in the Building or Online

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