Outdoor Prayer Service: Sundays, August 16 and 23 at 7:00 pm

We miss you, and we know you miss seeing each other for worship.  You may tune into Facebook live for worship at 10 am on Sunday, August 16, and Sunday, August 23, and then come to the Grace Parking lot for an evening prayer service.  The evening service lasts about 30 minutes and includes piano music, scripture, and prayer.

If you come, please bring your own chair and mask!  We invite you to set up your chairs in a socially distanced ...

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Grace Updates: August 8

Dear Grace Community,

The Grace Stewardship Team thanks you for continuing to support Grace Church during this challenging time. Your gifts mean we continue to minister to our community.

Periodically someone from Grace will share the impact Grace has in their life; and through them, the world. We thank Makena Frazier for sharing with us this week. See her video >

Yellow Bags: August
Jacob’s Learning Ladder Updates
Church Retreat – Satellite Locations
Grace Book Club: September ...

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Note from Grace Stewardship Team

Dear Grace Community,

The Grace Stewardship Team thanks you for continuing to support Grace Church during this challenging time. Your gifts mean we continue to minister to our community.

Periodically someone from Grace shares the impact Grace has in their life; and through them, the world. We thank Makena Frazier for sharing with us this week.

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August Yellow Bag Sunday

This month we receive non-perishable food items for our yellow bag offering.  You may drop food off at the church during business hours.  In August our contributions go to the Covenant Presbyterian Food Pantry.  Covenant is a PCUSA congregation in west Wichita.

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Session Updates: May and June

Session Summary: May 18, 2020

  • The Session met via Zoom and began with prayer.
  • The confirmation class and Kirk Anderson (Director of Student Ministries) joined this meeting.
  • Session members and confirmands were divided into Zoom break-out rooms for discussion. Session had read the confirmation class statements of faith before the meeting.
  • After the breakout rooms it was moved and seconded to welcome the confirmation class into membership on May 31, 2020. Annabelle Merten, Elliott Merten, May Phares, Isaac Snook, and Grace Westbrook will join ...
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