Lent 2022: Full to the Brim


Have you ever used the expression, “I’m maxed out,” or “My plate is too full?” Both sayings imply that you can’t take on one more thing, whether it be a task or emotional weight. Then there’s the expression, ‘full to the brim,’ which sounds similar but has a different meaning. ‘Full to the brim’ implies that your cup ...

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PCUSA Per Capita


Each year Grace is financially assessed for each member of our congregation. This assessment is done by our presbytery and is called per capita. Per capita is not a tax. Nothing happens to us if we don’t give (or pay) it, but we do give it because it strengthens the Presbyterian Church. What we give helps fund our presbytery and national ...

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Session Summary: November 2021

  • The Grace Session met on November 15, 2021, in the Grace Alcove.
  • The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
  • We welcomed Lilian Mayer into membership. Lilian joins Grace by reaffirmation of faith.
  • Plans for the upcoming Hanging of the Greens service were discussed.
  • Covid protocols were revisited. It was voted on to no longer keep exterior doors open on Sundays.  Windows in the sanctuary will be closed.  The question was raised about what metric we use to make changes to our policy.  No ...
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