12-08-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Hear the Urgency of the Message

“Worshipping Our God of Unconditional Love (Together, in a Variety of Ways)”

“Hear the Urgency of the Message” – Malachi 3:1-3, Luke 3:1-6

Advent highlights the power of hope and peace.

A friend and mentor passed away on November 19th. Tony Campolo changed my life  with his focus on Jesus’ commitment to justice and the “least of these.” Tony Campolo wrote a book titled The Kingdom of God is a Party. In chapter one, he tells the story of a trip to Honolulu ...

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12-01-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Swept Into the Vision of the Future

Series: “Worshipping Our God of Unconditional Love (Together, in a Variety of Ways)”

“Swept Into the Vision of the Future” – Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 21:25-36


We are loved. And we are to love. We are wired this way by God.

We are created to worship the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So, longing for love is intricately bound to worship. That’s right, we are encountered by the creator, redeemer, and sustainer of life every day, particularly in our worship. My preferences ...

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11-17-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Pairing and Pressing

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood”

“Pairing and Pressing” – 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Mark 13:1-8

Jesus says, “Beware that no one leads you astray.” Much to think about friends.

To whom do you look for guidance and wisdom in your life? To whom do you pair yourself and press forward?

Yesterday, I had a discussion with our son, Rob, about life. Rob is very successful. He is the youngest Associate Director at 34 years old with ...

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10-20-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Crushed and Waiting

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood” – “Crushed and Waiting” : Job 38:1-7 and Mark 10:35-45


Grace Presbyterian Church aspires to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are remembering, telling, and living the way of Jesus. Today’s Bible readings remind us that God enters our real-life circumstances and experiences. And some of those circumstances and experiences crush us and leave us waiting for rebuilding to begin.

Jesus teaches that living as a ...

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10-13-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Do Not Succeed At Something That Doesn’t Matter

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood”

“Do Not Succeed At Something That Doesn’t Matter” –  Job 23:1-9, 16-17, Mark 10:17-31


Grace Presbyterian Church aspires to make fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are remembering, telling, and living the way of Jesus. Today’s Bible readings remind us that God enters our real-life circumstances and experiences.

Malcolm Gladwell published Revenge of the Tipping Point this month. Gladwell writes, “The Tipping Point is the biography of an idea,” ...

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