11-17-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Pairing and Pressing

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood”

“Pairing and Pressing” – 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Mark 13:1-8

Jesus says, “Beware that no one leads you astray.” Much to think about friends.

To whom do you look for guidance and wisdom in your life? To whom do you pair yourself and press forward?

Yesterday, I had a discussion with our son, Rob, about life. Rob is very successful. He is the youngest Associate Director at 34 years old with ...

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10-20-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Crushed and Waiting

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood” – “Crushed and Waiting” : Job 38:1-7 and Mark 10:35-45


Grace Presbyterian Church aspires to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are remembering, telling, and living the way of Jesus. Today’s Bible readings remind us that God enters our real-life circumstances and experiences. And some of those circumstances and experiences crush us and leave us waiting for rebuilding to begin.

Jesus teaches that living as a ...

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10-13-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Do Not Succeed At Something That Doesn’t Matter

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood”

“Do Not Succeed At Something That Doesn’t Matter” –  Job 23:1-9, 16-17, Mark 10:17-31


Grace Presbyterian Church aspires to make fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ who are remembering, telling, and living the way of Jesus. Today’s Bible readings remind us that God enters our real-life circumstances and experiences.

Malcolm Gladwell published Revenge of the Tipping Point this month. Gladwell writes, “The Tipping Point is the biography of an idea,” ...

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10-06-2024 Rev Steven Marsh – Take Courage and Do Not Worry

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are Integral For Unity Being One Race And One Blood”

“Take Courage and Do Not Worry” – Job 1:1; 2:1-10

Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12, Mark 10: 2-16 (13-16)

Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favorite authors. Twenty-five years ago, Gladwell published The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference. This month he published Revenge of the Tipping Point. Gladwell writes, “The Tipping Point is the biography of an idea,” I began, “and the idea is very simple.” Continue Reading →


Series: “For Such A Time As This” “Living the Vision” Esther 5

We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Living the vision is this week’s emphasis. The vision is to live a faithful life in an unfaithful culture. Living the Vision in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story filled ...

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