Series: “For Such A Time As This” “Living the Vision” Esther 5

We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Living the vision is this week’s emphasis. The vision is to live a faithful life in an unfaithful culture. Living the Vision in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story filled ...

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Now is the Time – Living the Vision

Series: “For Such A Time As This”

“Living the Vision”

Esther 5


We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Living the vision is this week’s emphasis. The vision is to live a faithful life in an unfaithful culture. Living the Vision in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This” “Favoring, Not Shaming” Esther 3

We continue our series on Esther titled “For Such A Time As This.” Favoring, not shaming, is this week’s emphasis. Giving favor to others in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story filled with suspense, conspiracy, and bad decisions, all being used for God’s ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This” – “Thinking, Not Blaming” – Esther 2

We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Thinking, not blaming is key for each one of us to make a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story of a people delivered. The Jews experienced anxiety as did the political leaders. It was a complicated time.

Life is ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This”

Series: “For Such A Time As This”

“Now Is The Time”

Esther 1

I was reading in Craig Groeschel’s Daily Devotional, Daily Power, the other day. The scripture on which the reading is based is Psalm 63:1. It reads, “You God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” I was taken by this section in Craig’s reflection,

They call them the “dog days” ...

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