Now is the Time – Living the Vision

Series: “For Such A Time As This”

“Living the Vision”

Esther 5


We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Living the vision is this week’s emphasis. The vision is to live a faithful life in an unfaithful culture. Living the Vision in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This” “Favoring, Not Shaming” Esther 3

We continue our series on Esther titled “For Such A Time As This.” Favoring, not shaming, is this week’s emphasis. Giving favor to others in kindness and generosity is significant in making a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story filled with suspense, conspiracy, and bad decisions, all being used for God’s ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This” – “Thinking, Not Blaming” – Esther 2

We continue our series on Esther titled, “For Such A Time As This.” Thinking, not blaming is key for each one of us to make a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. It is a story of a people delivered. The Jews experienced anxiety as did the political leaders. It was a complicated time.

Life is ...

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Series: “For Such A Time As This”

Series: “For Such A Time As This”

“Now Is The Time”

Esther 1

I was reading in Craig Groeschel’s Daily Devotional, Daily Power, the other day. The scripture on which the reading is based is Psalm 63:1. It reads, “You God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” I was taken by this section in Craig’s reflection,

They call them the “dog days” ...

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Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are The Change”

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are The Change”

“Diversity Is Not The Enemy”

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

John 6:24-35

There is a saying among the Ngambaye people of Chad: “one day of hunger can make a wife leave her husband’s house.”[1] We, like this wife and the people of God in the Exodus 16 reading, want what we want when we want it. We want God to solve “stuff” for us. In the Exodus text, Moses is the advocate on the people’s behalf for ...

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