06-16-2024 Steven Marsh – Just Say No To Economic Injustice

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are A Participant In the Dream”

“Just Say No To Economic Injustice”

1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Mark 4:26-34

The good news of Jesus is that no one should be oppressed by economic injustice.

What does economic injustice look like? According to author Anshu Siripurapu writing for the Council on Foreign Relations,

Income and wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in almost any other developed country, and it is rising. There are large wealth and income gaps across racial groups, which ...

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06-09-2024 Steven Marsh – Advocacy In The Holy Spirit

“Jesus’ Message: You Are God’s Presence”

“Advocacy In The Spirit”

1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20

Mark 3:20-35

The good news of Jesus is that we do not need to be held captive by “the powers and principalities” of darkness. My friends, we live in a wonderful time in history right now. Yes, you have good news to share with people who are held captive by the powers of darkness rooted in ethnicity, patriarchy, wealth, division, gender identity, and war. These powers are dark in they ...

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05-26-2024 Steven Marsh – Trinity Sunday

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are God’s Presence”

“Filled With The Holy Spirit”

Isaiah 6:1-8

John 3:1-17

True north differs from magnetic north, which varies from place to place due to local magnetic anomalies. A magnetic compass almost never shows true north. To find true north from a magnetic compass you have to know the local magnetic variation and how it is varying over time. Finding true north is essential for accurate navigation. Hence the metaphor. In life’s journey we are often uncertain where we ...

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05-19-2024 Steven Marsh – Pentecost 2024

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are God’s Presence”

“The Holy Spirit”

Acts 2:17, 21

an excerpt from Brennan Manning, The Importance of Being Foolish: How to Think Like Jesus (New York City, New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005), 166-167.

John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

The better you know yourself, you will make better choices.[1] There’s a story about choices and it goes like this:

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, “Jesus knows ...

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05-12-20241 Steve Marsh- Being a Builder of Bridges

Series: “Jesus’ Message: You Are The Conduit”

“Being A Builder of Bridges”

Psalm 1

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

John 17:6-19

In my life, I’ve struggled with ambition. Oh, ambition is important, but when it controls many of one’s moves, it’s dangerous. At times in my career, who I knew, what church I served, and how successful I was were compelling validators of me in my ministry. My self-importance became controlling, pride was deeply rooted, and “image management” ruled the day. My sense of self was not ...

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