A Word From Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Thinking, not blaming is key for each one of us to make a positive, hopeful, joyful, and non-anxious impact in society and the lives of others. As you recall, Esther is the story of the Jews protecting themselves from persecution during the Babylonian Captivity. The Jews experienced anxiety as did the political leaders. It was a complicated time.

Life is about relationships. And to be candid, relationships can be awkward. Thinking about anxiety and its causes is important. Blaming anxiety on ...

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

This past Sunday was a remarkable day. It began with our youth leading worship and informing all of us on the work of partnering with God in mission work in Georgia. Following worship Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting Step 3 transpired. A very open and authentic experience was had by all in attendance, approximately 99 people. 


The question discussed was: What are Grace’s strengths and additional challenges, along with ...

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

This coming Sunday is our next Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting. There will be one service, the Youth leading worship on the Mission Trip in the Great Room at 10:00 am, followed by a covered dish lunch, featuring entrees, salads, and desserts from Grace’s 100th Anniversary Cookbook, A Cup of Grace and a Pinch of Time. Water, iced tea, and coffee are available.

The question for discussion is: What are Grace’s strengths ...

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A Word From Our Interim Pastor – The Rev. Dr. Steven M. Marsh

Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meetings have focused on adaptive change. I introduced the following principles at Our Interim Pastor Journey Town Hall Meeting, Step 2, on Sunday, May 5. Those principles are making observations, making interpretations, asking questions, and making measured interventions. This process of making observations, making interpretations, asking questions, and making measured interventions is an excellent discernment process as we listen to God and one another for the vision and future of Grace.

Moving from the “Old ...

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The apostle John begins his gospel with these very familiar words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” The Word is Jesus. He was with the Father and the Spirit from the beginning. This is important, because historic, orthodox, and apostolic Christianity affirms the preexistence of Christ. That Jesus, the Son of God, like the Father and the Holy Spirit, has been and ...

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