Children’s Ministry at Grace has been messy and busy lately. You won’t want to miss the Messy Christmas Church coming up Sunday, December 17, at 4:30 pm. Join us as your family takes a Christmas “journey” and meets some famous Christmas characters.
Messy Church is designed for families with children eight years and under. Older children and families are welcome to help as we need a lot of hands to pull off Messy Church.
Let Jennifer or Catherine know if you are interested. In addition to Messy Church, we have a special Pop-up Christmas pageant during the 5 pm worship service on Christmas Eve. Kids and families may wear costumes if they desire and participate in the reading of the Christmas story.
Grace Children’s Ministry is now collecting paper towel tubes for a Vacation Bible School project. This year, we team up with Erin Mae Lewis to present A Joyful Noise Vacation Bible School. Everything revolves around music. Even the crafts include making musical instruments that are used throughout the week. Please leave donated paper towel tubes outside Jennifer’s office door. Many thanks.
Mark your calendars for Children’s Worship Sunday on February 11. This is always a special worship service as we hear from our youngest Christians. All tower class kids should be listening to the “Bible in a Minute” song and memorizing the words ahead of time. Here’s a link to the song >