by Jennifer Snook, Director of Children’s Ministry
“The prayer of the righteous accomplishes much.” ~James 5:16”
Praying for children is a powerful way to show them that they are important, loved and worthy. Additionally, as adults pray for children, this is an important way the adults can connect with God on a personal level.
If you are eloquent with words and the Bible is like a second language to you, then this is an easy task. But, if you are like most of us, consistent, daily, out-loud prayer can be difficult to maintain.
Busy lives call for rushed meals and harried bed-time routines. Yet, it is precisely in these ill-equipped, weary moments, when God shows up and shows us that He loves your children, and He loves that you are praying for them. Be encouraged and pray often over your children. The psalms are a great place to start if you need a place for inspiration.
Children are important at Grace, and our Vacation Bible School team is already working on a fun and exciting week for children ages pre-K – 5th grade. This year we surf into God’s amazing love June 20-24.
There are many ways you can be involved: crew leaders (adults who walk a group of children from station to station), decorators to help stage VBS, and folks to help tear down after VBS is over. See the bulletin board by the coffee bar if you would like to sign up to help or email Jennifer Snook.