The word is out. Messy Church is something altogether wonderful. A few months ago the staff and children’s ministry team began asking the question: “What would it look like if the entire church got behind Children’s Ministry?” We discovered that the question did not have one answer but many.
We kicked off the school year with a faithful families’ unit where families learned how to incorporate their faith in their own home more readily. We offer a youth and mental health workshop followed up with another Love and Logic parenting unit coming in November to pair with our children’s Sunday School classes.
The surprise blessing in all of this planning, however, was the launch of Messy Church. Messy Church is a worship service that happens once a month for families with children who are eight years of age and under. We are reaching out to Jacobs Learning Ladder families and other families in the neighborhood. We are allowing families special time to worship together, create together and eat together. This is only possible because the entire church is gathering around this ministry and the call to empower families to worship Jesus every day.
If you would like to know more about Messy Church or donate art supplies or time toward the service please see the bulletin board by the coffee bar or contact Jennifer at jennifer@mygpc.org. I hope that you come and see for yourself how beautiful a mess can be.