There is a congregational meeting to elect officers, approve updates to Catherine’s terms of call, and update the by-laws. The meeting is on December 5 at 10:45 am in the Sanctuary.
The nominated officers and classes are:
Session: Ben Juhnke (2024), Hal Pluenneke (2024), Charlene Randle (2024), Jody Webster (2024)
Deacons: Belinda Kidd (2024), Jan Melton (2024), Jean Oser (2023), James Rae (2024)
Board of Trustees: Marjorie Awtrey (2024), Gary Lindsly (2024)
Jacob’s Learning Ladder: Scott Wadle (2024)
Nominating Team (all one year terms): TBD
Regarding Catherine’s terms of call: In the summer of 2021 the session approved a 2% salary increase for staff. Catherine’s salary can only be changed by a vote of the congregation At this meeting the congregation will vote to increase Catherine’s salary by 2%, retroactive to July 2021.
Copies of the by-laws with updates noted will be available at Grace and can be mailed by request.