Dear Grace Community,
The Session is excited to share with you the Deep Roots Capital Campaign. For over a year, groups within our congregation have studied our facilities to consider how we might continue to use our space most effectively for our congregation and the community. This summer, the Session began to study the data provided by these groups, and the result of this is the Deep Roots Campaign.
2018 is our 70th year worshiping at the corner of Bleckley and Douglas. Our roots are deep here. We believe that God calls us to do ministry here and from this place. We believe that God will continue to do new things in and through our congregation. This campaign will strengthen our facilities so that our ministries can grow, and so that we can continue to share God’s love both within the walls of the church and in the community.
On Sunday, September 16, we share more about the Deep Roots Campaign in worship. It is a $300,000 campaign with pledges made for up to three years. We have six open houses set-up for you to come and learn more about Deep Roots. Please plan to attend one.
In Christ,
Catherine Neelly Burton
Open Houses
All open houses start in the Grace Parlor and involve tours throughout the church building. The open houses last from 30 minutes to an hour.
- Sunday, September 16 at 12:15 pm
- Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30 pm
- Sunday, September 23 at 12:15 pm
- Monday, September 24 at 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 25 at 6:30 pm
- Wednesday, September 26 at 6:30 pm