Dear Grace Community,
It’s good to see you again. I am grateful for my May Sabbatical and grateful to be back with you. I requested the sabbatical because I reached a point where I struggled to feel renewed with my regular schedule of work and life. This meant that my reservoir for ministry was depleted which wasn’t fair to any of us.
I’m glad to say that I came back in June feeling rested and renewed. My life is full, with full-time ministry and full-time family, but I have a better sense of the rhythms I need in order to not get so worn out again.
During the sabbatical I thought a lot about the commandment to rest, the call to Sabbath. I think one of the reasons God mandates it is because without rest we start to think that we need work and work needs us. One gift of my sabbatical was being reminded that Grace doesn’t need me, and I don’t need Grace, but what a gift it is that God has called us together for this time. It’s freeing to see our life and ministry together as a gift instead of an obligation.
The month was a lot of little gifts. It gave me the chance for quiet, for exercise, and rest. Tasks at home that seem daunting on a full schedule (things like cleaning out closets) became rewarding. Our family enjoyed time together at home and on the road. Alice and I had the chance to see cousins upon cousins, aunts, uncles, and my parents in Georgia.
All three of us traveled to Oklahoma to see John’s sister and family. We enjoyed a day trip to the Tall Grass National Preserve near Strong City where I gave thanks to God for Grace saint Julia Hobbs who worked tirelessly on the history of that land.
We also enjoyed visiting other churches. The month was a good time for Alice to start participating in worship, something she’s working on here at Grace. It was interesting to experience worship in different places. We worshiped in three different churches, all doing well and all feeling a little tired.
Now that I’m back in the office I’m giving thanks for an incredible week of Bible School. The Halleluiah Luau was a week of joy in the Lord.
As we look to July, I invite you to join me in praying for our youth and adults who will travel to Denver for a mission trip and then another group that will travel to Purdue University for the PCUSA Triennium.
Summer means lots of people are in and out, but I hope you’ll be at worship when you’re in town. I look forward to seeing you.
In Christ,