Dear Grace Community,
Last spring Jennifer Snook, our Director of Children’s Ministries, and I began to talk about and pray about Messy Church. Messy Church is not an original idea at Grace. It started in churches in Great Britain and churches all over the world have adopted and adapted it. The idea behind Messy Church is to engage people of all ages in hands on worship experiences including art, song, play, Bible story, and a shared meal.
I had an idea of what Messy Church might look like at Grace, and I hoped it would be a way to connect children and their families to God, to each other, and to our church. We spent the summer planning and recruiting, and we kicked off Grace Messy Church in September 2017. By following the lead of the Holy Spirit and our incredible planning team, what I originally imagined as Messy Church ended up becoming something much different, and I’m so glad for what it became and continues to become.
Throughout the year we engaged a growing number of families both from within our congregation and from the community. All of this was possible because of the support of the congregation. We were blessed with a committed planning team and with many willing volunteers, and we were blessed with the financial resources to make this happen.
We’re excited about what God will do through Messy Church at Grace during the next school year, and we would love to connect more of our congregation to this growing ministry. If you want to be involved in an active way, contact me or Jennifer Snook. Also know that you are welcome to attend Messy Church any time. We’d love for you to come and join us.
In Christ,