Dear Grace Community,
But now says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. – Isaiah 43:1
I’m writing to let you know that we are cancelling worship and all church activities (meetings, events, rehearsals, regular groups, etc.) through the end of March.
This is not a decision made lightly but prayerfully and thoughtfully with the best information we have right now. This decision was made by members of the staff in consultation with the church session and with physicians in our congregation. We made this decision, not out of fear, but as a way to protect the most vulnerable around us. There is much uncertainty around the Coronavirus/Covid 19, but what is clear is that limiting large gatherings is prudent in stopping the spread.
This decision is hard for many reasons, including that gathering to worship is central to who we are, and so we invite you to worship in a new way for a few weeks. Starting this Sunday, we will live stream worship on the Grace Facebook page at 10 am CDT. The same service will be available on the mygpc.org website later that day. This week the service will be primarily scripture, prayer, and music.
This technology allows us to, in fact, worship together. While not ideal, it is a gift. Staying connected while not seeing each other at Grace is important. We will send out regular communications through email.
If you are staying home all of the time because you are self-quarantining or because of your health, do you need any help? Do you need things dropped off at your house (medicine, food, etc.)? Please let us know so that we can help you. Do you need prayer? We’d love to pray for you. If you are willing to help run errands for people or to make check-in phone calls to members of our community, please let me know, 316-684-5215, catherine@mygpc.org.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I will miss being together this Sunday.
In Christ,