Dear Grace Community,
We are almost two months into our school year. This means we’re almost two months into our journey through the Bible together. This year, from September – May, we’re going through the Old and New Testaments together. On Sunday mornings we focus on some of the big stories, and then during the week you’re invited to read scripture each day.
I know that many of you are doing this (or trying!), and I can feel the renewed energy around scripture. A few weeks ago, one of you stopped me in the hallway to talk about scripture and the way I interpreted it in a sermon.
The person who stopped me did not agree with my interpretation, and we had a good, honest, and fun conversation about this. Neither of us was threatened. Instead, I was enlivened by the chance to dig into the word and its meaning. What a gift to know that you are wrestling with the same scripture I am.
Hebrews 4:12 says that ‘the word of God is living and active,’ and it is. Our Presbyterian tradition says that it is best studied in community. I give thanks for the opportunity to experience the living and active word with you.
In Christ,