Dear Grace Community,
Last Sunday we offered a blessing to Sean Foster in worship. Sean’s last official Sunday with us is August 9. This spring when Sean announced that he was leaving, the Session formed a search team to find a new Director of Music Ministry.
It was two years ago that Sean was hired for the position. Several of the people on that 2018 team were uniquely qualified to serve again, so we started building the team from there and added new members. At a called meeting on April 27, the Session approved the following people to serve on the 2020 search team: Pam Head, Dave McIntire, Charlene Randle, Janet Rhoads, and Bill Vavra. I also serve on the team.
Our team met a couple of times via Zoom and laid out a job description and timeline for our process. Then we began to learn more about the Covid related dangers of singing. Sean participated in multiple webinars focused on the high-risk factors and shared with us what he learned. By late May, the Session put the search on hold.
At its July 20 meeting, the Session approved a job description for an Interim Coordinator of Music Ministry. This is a three-month position. Music is central to the life of the church, but without regular gatherings for ensembles, we need less of a director and more of a coordinator. The plan is to evaluate where things stand related to singing and the virus in mid-October and either continue with an interim or re-start our search. We receive applications for this new position through August 10.
Regarding in-person worship, the Session continues to monitor the Sedgwick County Covid dashboard here>
We know that there is no perfect metric for determining when to return. The Session meets again on August 2 at 1 pm via Zoom to discuss this more. We are considering many options.
You can reach out to Session members anytime, but I know it’s harder when we don’t see each other on Sundays. I encourage you to contact Session members, and as always, you’re welcome to attend Session meetings. Please let me know if you’d like to attend on August 2 (or anytime), and I’ll send you the Zoom info. (Session members are Sandy Blaylock, Dennis Buteyn, Darcy Eads, Pam Head, Fred Heismeyer, Dave McIntire, Betsy Ross, Elyse Scholl, Ginny Vincent, Joe Wangombe, and Alisa Watkins.)
In Christ,
PCUSA General Assembly and (Catherine Neelly Burton) Part III
Church Directory Pick-up
If you did not pick up your church directory before we shut down, you are welcome to come by and get it. Call the church to let us know, and we’ll have it outside the volunteer office with your name on it.
IRC Backpack Drive
Thank you for your generous donations to the refugee backpack drive. We are no longer receiving physical supplies, but financial donations are welcome.
Worship and Connection Opportunities:
Sunday, July 26 at 10 am
Worship via Facebook live at 10 am or watch our services at mygpc.org
You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here:
Week 4 of our Unraveled worship series
Sermon scripture: Jeremiah 29:1-7
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.
Hymns: #291 Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness; #803 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Monday, July 27 at 8 – 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
Start the day on Zoom with prayer with Catherine Neelly Burton.
Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89934835947
Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 899 3483 5947
Monday, July 27 at 11 am: Memorial Service for Julia Carter
We gather to witness to the resurrection and give thanks to God for Julia. You are welcome to attend the service at Grace, and if you prefer to attend at home, it will be livestreamed on the Grace Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/mygpc.org
Tuesday, July 28 at 2 pm: 4 Week Study of the Holy Spirit with Martin Burch: Week 3
What do we know of the Holy Spirit? What does the bible say about the Holy Spirit? How does the Spirit work in the history of the church and in our lives now? We’ll explore these questions and more. Bring your questions and join us for this study.
Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81629686558
Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 816 2968 6558
Wednesday, July 29
If you have a youth in your family who wants to connect, contact Kirk@mygpc.org
This week the youth continue a book/Bible study using the Bible and Rob Bell’s book What Is the Bible? The book costs $6. Contact Kirk with questions.