Dear Grace Community,
The Grace Stewardship Team thanks you for continuing to support Grace Church during this challenging time. Your gifts mean we continue to minister to our community.
Periodically someone from Grace will share the impact Grace has in their life; and through them, the world. We thank Makena Frazier for sharing with us this week. See her video >
Yellow Bags: August
Jacob’s Learning Ladder Updates
Church Retreat – Satellite Locations
Grace Book Club: September 1
Nominating Team
Even in a pandemic the work of the church continues. Do you know someone called to leadership in the church? If so, nominate them! We’re looking for elders, deacons, trustees, and Jacob’s Learning Ladder board members. Please send nominations to the nominating team chair, Darcy Eads deads@cox.net
Worship and Connection Opportunities:
We continue online only worship this week. We also have online worship on Sundays August 16 and 23, but on those two days we offer an evening outdoor worship. The time is still to be determined, but plan to gather on the Grace grounds for an evening prayer service.
Sunday, August 9 at 10 am: Worship
- Worship via Facebook Live at 10 am or watch our services at mygpc.org
- You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/mygpc.org
- Scott Randle preaches.
- Sermon Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
- Download Bulletin
Monday, August 10 at 8 – 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
Start the day on Zoom with prayer with Catherine Neelly Burton.
Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88544272949
Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 885 4427 2949
Wednesday, August 12
If you have a youth in your family who wants to connect, contact Kirk@mygpc.org
This week the youth continue a book/Bible study using the Bible and Rob Bell’s book What is the Bible? The book costs $6. Contact Kirk with questions.
Friday, August 14: Bus Tickets
Can you volunteer with our bus ticket ministry? Guests arrive between 6-7:40 am. Contact Kirk Anderson, Kirk@mygpc.org to volunteer.