Dear Grace Community,
This week my Saturday letter to you comes as a letter and challenge, which you can read here: blog to letter and 14 day challenge.
This Sunday we again gather online at 10 am for worship. Thank you for your support of the blood drive last week; we exceeded our goal!
Let us know how you are. Email the church staff or call us to check in and share. We miss you and pray for you.
In Christ,
Church Directory Pick-up
If you did not pick up your church directory before we shut down, you are welcome to come by and get it. Call the church to let us know, and we’ll have it outside the volunteer office with your name on it.
Sunday, June 14 at 10 am
Worship via Facebook live at 10 am or watch our services at mygpc.org
You do not need a Facebook account to watch. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/mygpc.org
Sermon scripture: Lamentations 1:1-6
Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.
Hymns (lyrics are on the screen): Hymn #35 Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty, Hymn #839 Blessed Assurance
June 15 – 18 Vacation Bible School
Go to mygpc.org each day to see the latest VBS offerings!
Include link to VIDEO from Thursday
Monday, June 15 at 8 – 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
Start the day on Zoom with prayer with Catherine Neelly Burton.
Join by computer/tablet/smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81322815846
Join by phone: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 813 2281 5846
Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 pm
The Grace Book Club meets to discuss Native by Kaitlin Curtice. Contact Melissa Buteyn with questions, englishteachmb@gmail.com
This month the Book Club meets through Google Video Conferencing: https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=M2VmOW5mYWRqMWtzbzZxZW9uZzczajBubGcgZW5nbGlzaHRlYWNobWJAbQ&tmsrc=englishteachmb%40gmail.com
You don’t need a Google Account to participate in Meet video meetings. However, if you don’t have a Google Account, the meeting organizer or someone from the organization must grant you access to the meeting.
Tip: If you are not signed into a Google or Gmail account, you cannot join using your mobile device.
Join a video meeting with a meeting link
- Open the chat message or email with the meeting link > click the meeting link.
- Click Ask to join.
- When someone in the meeting gives you access, you’ll join it.
Wednesday, June 17
If you have a youth in your family who wants to connect, contact Kirk@mygpc.org
This week the youth continue a book/Bible study using the Bible and Rob Bell’s book What is the Bible? The book costs $6. Contact Kirk with questions.