Jacob’s Learning Ladder Staff was sent home with a COVID care package for Christmas Break. The Kansas Leadership Center gave out grants to groups of Kansans who came up with a project in order to “Beat the Virus”. A few JLL teachers and office staff met with a KLC coordinator and came up with the care package project. JLL was awarded the full $3,000 grant which allowed us to send teachers home with gift cards, supplies, and activities encouraging them to stay home and stay safe over break.
Cold temperatures outside means more inside activities, Pre-K children have learned how Polar Bears keep warm-they have a layer of blubber under their fur. The children experienced this by putting one hand in ice water and the other in a baggie layered with Crisco. The reactions were priceless! Another experiment children conducted was, “What happens to ice when it sits at room temperature?”—It melts!
JLL Children celebrated Kansas’ 160th Birthday by wearing their favorite Kansas team t-shirt to school and going on parade around the school. Other activities included making corn husk dolls like the Kansa Indians made, and playing traditional Kansa Indian hoop games.
- Emily Stoltz, Program Director
- Jacob’s Learning Ladder Preschool and Adventure Club
- 316.618.4189
- www.jacobslearningladderpreschool.org