In 2015, the Grace Session spent time looking at how to create a better culture of hospitality at our church. One thing we did was establish a sub-group to look at the signage in our building. Martin Burch, our executive pastor, worked closely with this group.
The interior signage at Grace was put in place when the Great Room addition was made nearly 20 years ago. While attractive, this sub group realized that some of the signage was not entirely accurate. They spent an afternoon walking through the building trying to follow the signs the way a visitor might, and they realized that some of the signs were entirely wrong.
Not only that, we were missing some signs. For instance, when standing by the cross wall there was nothing in that area to indicate that going through the back doors of the Great Room led to classrooms 101 and 103.
After making reports to the Session and board of trustees it was decided to invest in new interior signage. This was not something we budgeted for, but we were able to use money from our memorial funds to cover the costs. The new signs went up the first week of May and are attractive but not distracting. If you know where you’re going you may not even notice them, but they will go a long way in welcoming guests to our building.