Dear Grace Community,
We had a wonderful adult Sunday School series in June. Each week we heard about different aspects of being human. Dr. Francie Ekengren talked with us about end-of-life ethics. She shared about the Transportable Physician Orders for Patient Preferences or TPOPP.
The TPOPP is a tool to allow individuals to best express their end of life treatment goals and preferences. It’s something that is filled out with a physician. It is then recorded in a database that is available to the hospitals in Wichita.
Francie shared eloquently about her faith and her understanding of end of life issues. She wove together her calling as a Christian and a physician. I hope you take time to talk with your physician and your family about your end of life care, and that you take the time to complete a TPOPP.
I invite you to talk with me about what happens when you die. As your church, we are honored to walk with you all the way to the grave and to witness to the resurrection at your death. There are some Grace members who have given me instructions for their funerals or memorial services. Others have given me a list of hymns they want at their services. One of you in our congregation likes to sit down every summer and go over the service details to make sure nothing has changed.
The act of planning your memorial service or funeral is an opportunity for your loved ones to enact their grief, but giving them some guidance can be a gift. Call me anytime to set up an appointment to talk.
In Christ,