Special gifts and capital campaigns are important ways that we share in the ministries of Grace Presbyterian Church. And it’s exciting to see things like construction projects, new projection equipment and pew cushions and chancel lighting and electronic pianos. But for our building to be part of the Wichita community, we also must take care of the less glamorous but important maintenance aspects of this facility. Five years ago, Trustees and Session committed to including a Long-Term Maintenance component in the budget every year. Because of the faithful contributions of the people of Grace, this fund is an ongoing underwritten part of our annual budget, and we have built up monies to be used for inevitable repairs.
It may not be an exciting part of our budget. And the money spent from this Long-Term Maintenance Fund may not always be visible, but funding things like heating and air conditioning systems, roof repairs, replacement flooring, and parking lot maintenance allows us to continue to be a facility that is inviting on Sunday and available for many uses during the week. The most recent example of the importance of having these funds available is the resealing and repainting of our parking lots. We don’t have to dodge potholes; our parking spaces are clearly marked, and we added three additional handicapped spaces to our east lot. When you see these “new” parking lots, know that your ongoing support of the regular Operating Budget of Grace means we can continue to maintain the building and grounds. We are committed to be a place that sustains and nourishes God’s ministries to our community here at 5002 East Douglas. You make this happen!