Same-Sex Marriage Program: September 29

Make plans to be at Grace on Tuesday, September 29. We’ll gather for dinner from 5:45-6:15 pm and a program at 6:30 pm. Dinner is informal with a cost of $7 for adults, $3 for children 11 and under, and a $17 family cap. Childcare will be provided for the program, starting at 6:30.

The program begins at 6:30 and goes until 8. This summer our session invited two men to come and speak and dialogue with us regarding same-sex marriage. These two men lead organizations with differing viewpoints, and yet have found a way to work together. They are Paul Detterman from the Fellowship of Presbyterians and Brian Ellison from the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. The Fellowship is opposed to same-sex marriage, while the Covenant Network is in favor of it.

Last year as presbyteries debated this issue, Paul and Brian spoke together before many of those meetings, not debating one another, but both speaking honestly about their opinions and their convictions about same-sex marriage and the importance of church unity. They will both speak, and then there will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

Within the Grace congregation there are a wide range of views on same-sex marriage, and we will not all agree with one another. However, the witness of these two men who disagree yet work together within the same church may help us as we seek to be the church together.

In the days leading up to this program please seek out Pastor Catherine Neelly Burton or members of the Session with your questions or concerns.

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