January 31, 2021
- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on January 31, at 12:30 pm in the Great Room for a called meeting to examine officers. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- Examined were:
- Elders Bronwen Burch, Laurie Haury, Carolyn Shaw, Strom Sloan, and Bill Vavra
- Deacons: Sophia Randle, Janet Rhoads, and Anne Woolsey
- Each newly elected officer shared their faith story with the session, and session members were invited to ask questions.
February 15, 2021
- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on February 15 on Zoom for its stated meeting.
- The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- Steve Hooper was elected to serve a one-year term as clerk.
- After discussion the session voted to remain at one Sunday morning worship service at 10 am through March 21 and to begin two services (9 and 11) on March 28/Palm Sunday.
- It was decided to keep the same safety protocols in place, including keeping the windows open. Worship size is still limited to 50 and groups that meet in the building are limited to 30.
- The session discussed the need to reach out to members who we haven’t had contact with. We do not know if they have drifted, are frustrated, or will return.
- An update on Deep Roots was given.
- The Session approved a new team that works with the county and city to help people with small home/yard projects to keep them out of code violations. Bruce Gealy and Bill Vavra lead this team.
- The Session approved Grace applying for ReKindle grant through Columbia Theological Seminary. We will focus our grant on reading and connecting with schools in the neighborhood and Watermark Books.
- Financial reports were given and received. Reports were given.