- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on April 19 at 6 pm in the church alcove with one participant on Zoom. The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- The docket and omnibus motion were approved.
- This includes planning for only one worship service at 10 am on July 4 and approving Scott Randle to preach on May 30 and Geoff Snook to preach on June 6.
- The Session looked at our Covid safety protocols for worship. It was voted on to keep all protocols in place but to give the ushers at 11 am some flexibility to go over the 80 number if there are empty pews.
- A Deep Roots report was given. Construction on the family restroom is underway, and we are getting bids to clean the outside of the building.
- There was a GPC/JLL family event in the parking lot at 6:30 pm during the meeting, so the Session joined the event for about 20 minutes.
- In advance of the meeting, Catherine sent articles to the Session about online worship and Gallup data on church membership. The Session discussed the articles and implications at Grace.
- There was a discussion about reaching out to church members who have not returned to in person worship.
- The Session discussed the Rekindle grant proposal that Bill Vavra, Carolyn Shaw, and Catherine Neelly Burton put together.
- Reports were given, and the financials were approved and received. A new policy for unused special funds and memorial funds was given to Session by the Board of Trustees and approved.
- Elyse Scholl, Bronwen Burch, and Alisa Watkins were elected as commissioners to the May 11 presbytery meeting.