February 21, 2022
- The Grace Session met on February 21, 2022, in the Grace Alcove.
- The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- Session members were given binders with Grace policies and procedures.
- Covid protocols were discussed. The mask policy for staff was changed to match the policy for non-staff: Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, everyone else does. Masks are strongly encouraged for all. In addition, the Session approved a change in communion protocol at the 9 am service. Pods are still available, but there will be rolls and bread on the tables for intinction.
- The Session received Jennifer Snook’s resignation and approved a ‘tapering down’ of her work to five hours a week through the end of the Sunday School season in the spring.
- Catherine revisited the idea of a staffing study and proposed that we hire a church consultant to help us. This was approved, and she will bring proposals to the next meeting.
- Financial reports were given and received. Other reports were in the session packet.
- Elyse Scholl reported on the February meeting of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas. She noted with praise the work offered by Scott Randle as the moderator of the presbytery.
- A ‘Get to Know Grace Class’ is planned for Feb 27. Several Session members volunteered to attend.