- The Grace Presbyterian Session met on January 25 on Zoom for its stated meeting.
- The meeting was opened and closed with prayer.
- The docket and minutes were approved.
- The Session voted to return to in person worship on February 7 (while still offering streaming) with one worship service at 11 am. All precautions from the fall in-person services will be in place.
- Worship size will be limited to 50 with an overflow in the worship space that is not used. (When worship is in the sanctuary, overflow is in the great room and vice versa.)
- Session had previously limited group gatherings to 15. The limit is now 25 (other than worship).
- The 2021 budget was presented and passed unanimously.
- The financial reports were given and approved. Members met their pledges in 2020, which is wonderful. We were behind for the year because non-pledged giving was down. However, with the Paycheck Protection Plan Loan/Grant, we were okay.
- The annual reports are being assembled.
- Catherine thanked the elders rotating off of session: Darcy Eads, Dave McIntire, Ginny Vincent, and Joe Wangombe.
- Carolyn Shaw, Pam Head, and Darcy Eads were elected to serve as commissioners to the February 16 presbytery meeting.