Full Session minutes are available upon request.
- The Grace Session met on October 17 at 6 pm, in the church parlor, and on Zoom. The meeting was opened with a devotional by Catherine Neelly Burton.
- The Session met via Zoom with Mike Crain from Ministry Architects to hear details of his staffing recommendations and to ask questions.
- The Session reviewed the Board of Trustees’ memorial fund policy.
- The church by-laws were discussed and edited – to be approved by the congregation at the annual meeting.
- The Session continued to review and edit a proposed welcome statement, specifically how we name welcome for the LGBTQ community.
- Financial reports were given and received. Other reports were received. Catherine reported on a request for an electronic sign for the outside of Grace; she will take that request to the trustees.
- It was reported that Rev Cheryl Hoops had been hired as the JLL chaplain. The search for someone to work in children/family ministry at Grace continues.
- The meeting was closed in prayer.