Session Summary: May 18, 2020
- The Session met via Zoom and began with prayer.
- The confirmation class and Kirk Anderson (Director of Student Ministries) joined this meeting.
- Session members and confirmands were divided into Zoom break-out rooms for discussion. Session had read the confirmation class statements of faith before the meeting.
- After the breakout rooms it was moved and seconded to welcome the confirmation class into membership on May 31, 2020. Annabelle Merten, Elliott Merten, May Phares, Isaac Snook, and Grace Westbrook will join by public profession of faith. Mitzi Darmstetter and Grace Stark will join by baptism and public profession of faith.
- Martin gave an update on the Deep Roots work. The ceiling work in the kitchenette and Bell Choir room is next. Parlor furniture is still not here.
- Session discussed the return in in-person worship. Catherine shared what others in the neighborhood were doing as well as other Wichita PCUSA congregations.
- Session looked at ways to be safe when we do return as well as alternatives such as outdoor worship.
- Session voted to remain online only through June.
- Kirk Anderson reported that the Youth mission trip to Tennessee will not happen, but plans are underway for a mission week in Wichita.
- Bible School work is underway. It will be a hybrid model. A virtual VBS (videos) go online June 15-19, and the team does a modified in person VBS for JLL children that week.
- A finance report was given then received and approved.
- The job description for the new Director of Music Ministry was approved, however there was much conversation about whether or not the timing is right given what we do and don’t know about singing. Catherine, Dave, and Pam will talk with the search team.
- JLL received two grants related to the pandemic to support staff and supplies.
- Catherine reported that the PCUSA General Assembly will be virtual and not in Baltimore as planned. She is a commissioner.
- Catherine noted that the May presbytery meeting was cancelled.
- The meeting was closed with prayer.
Session Summary: June 15, 2020
- The meeting was held via Zoom and was opened with prayer.
- There was a long discussion about the return to in person worship including safety precautions.
- The Session voted to begin in person worship on July 5 with one service in the Great Room and then to go to two services after that (9 and 11). A letter will go out to the congregation from the Session detailing the precautions that will be in place.
- Deep Roots work continues in the Bell Room and kitchenette. We’re still waiting on the Parlor furniture. We also have to get the Parlor window coverings and wall things. After those spaces are done we’ll start on the remodel of the bathroom across from the elevator. It will become a “family” room. Deep Roots income continues to come in.
- Catherine noted the Christian Discipleship Team’s 14-Day Challenge and encouraged Session members to participate.
- Catherine had sent out information to the Session about the PCUSA Matthew 25 initiative and asked them to read over it, reflect, and come ready to talk about it in July.
- Financial reports were approved and received. Income in May was okay. We have the Paycheck Protection Program loan/grant, so we are okay right now.
- It was reported that the BOT approved buying equipment to support live streaming. The bid is just under $13,000. (Right now we stream from an iPhone). We may have to hire someone on Sunday mornings to help run the equipment.
- Martin is working with someone from the personnel team and our local insurance agent to determine insurance for our staff as our current plan has increased by 14%.
- Session voted to celebrate Sean Foster’s ministry on July 19 and to invite a love offering.
- Session voted to put the music search on hold and pursue an interim coordinator.
- It was shared that that youth mission experience is still on but with many questions.
Session Summary: June 29, 2020
- The Session met via Zoom and opened the meeting with prayer.
- The purpose of the called meeting was to revisit our plan for return to in-person worship and to update our communication strategy as necessary.
- Catherine invited doctors in the congregation to join the Session for a conversation on June 28. Session was joined that day by Tom Bloxham, Ron Brown, and Mac Smith. Bloxham pointed us to the Sedgwick County Covid Dashboard and the 14-day rolling average of positive tests. He also suggested watching hospital rates.
- There was a lot of discussion about what an appropriate metric is and if we need one. There was discussion about whether or not staff felt safe, given that staff does not have a choice about coming back. There were also some who named that people need to be able to choose.
- Catherine noted that she thinks we’re losing people’s attention and focus with online only worship.
- It was voted on to use the 14-day rolling average of the percent of positive tests to determine our return. If/when the number is at 5% or below, we will be in the building. When it is above, we will not. This may mean some on again off again. The decision for the week is based on what the numbers are the Monday/Tuesday before the Sunday.
- Outdoor worship continues to come up as an option.