The Christian Discipleship Team is excited to announce a special six-week Adult Sunday school class beginning September 22 and continuing through October. The Rev. Dr. Jermiane Pennington leads The Liberationist Lecture Series. The class is based upon Dr. Pennington’s book, The Chain Breaker. Copies of the book are available for purchase at the class. You don’t want to miss this opportunity! Join us in the parlor at 10:00 am and explore these topics together:
- Week 1: The Foundation of Liberation Theology
- Week 2: Exploring Tenets of Spiritual and Natural Liberation
- Week 3: Fortifying Ourselves for the Ministry of Liberation Theology
- Week 4: Exercising Our Voice for the Voiceless
- Week 5: Organizing Liberative Movements
- Week 6: Until We’re All Free: The Call to Persevere
Thank you, Dr. Pennington! We look forward to this opportunity to learn together during this fall.