February 2
Our text for the day comes from John 20. (We’re taking a one-week break from the Narrative Lectionary.) In the John text, Thomas wants to see the marks in the resurrected Jesus’ hands. In worship we talk about the marks of discipleship that people see when they look at our church. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at both services. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches and shares the work the Session is doing to lead our congregation.
February 9
We return to the Narrative Lectionary this week. Our text comes from Mark 6. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.
February 16
Our scripture for the day comes from Mark 7. Catherine Neelly Burton preaches.
February 23
This is Kids Lead Sunday! We have one worship service at 10 am in the Great Room. This is the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, and we say goodbye to Alleluia. The Grace annual congregational meeting follows worship.