9 am Worship in the Great Room
10 am Education and Fellowship
11 am Worship in the Sanctuary
Worship at 9 am is in the Great Room and is led musically by our band. The style is less formal than the 11 am service. The 11 am service is in the Sanctuary and is led musically by our choirs. The style is more traditional.
Sunday morning, November 11, is different. We share breakfast and celebrate Grace’s ministries together at 10 am in the Great Room. The first worship service is at 9 am, and the second service starts at 11:15 am instead of 11 am.
We have Sunday School for people of all ages on Sundays: November 4, 18, and 25.
Children and Youth
- Children ages 0-Pre-K
A nursery is available all morning from 8:50 M – 12:15 pm. From 10 – 10:45 am Colissa Fry leads a Sunday School lesson for these children.
- Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Kindergarten – 2nd grade meets in room B10 (in the basement) also known as the ‘Foundation Station.’
- 3rd – 6th Grades
3rd, 4th, and 5th graders meet in Tower Room (on the 2nd floor). This year 6th graders join this class as mentors for the younger students.
- Youth
7-12th graders meet in the Youth Center (downstairs)
There are two options for adults to participate in Sunday School:
November 4
- Love and Logic – Meets in Room 103
Cindy Dethloff and Jennifer Snook team up to lead another Love and Logic class. The Love and Logic philosophy can fit any relationship, and the focus of this class is on parenting. Love and Logic helps parents raise self-confident, motivated children who are motivated for the real world.
- Happy? What is it and How to Find It – Room 101
Happy? What It Is and How to Find It by Matt Miofsky answers the question of how we can find lasting happiness in our lives. The book defines what happiness looks like according to the Bible and then describes ways that we can achieve happiness through relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control.
Matt Miofsky explores these concepts through some unexpected biblical texts, but his basic theology is sound: it is only when we turn to God that we will find lasting happiness.
The class meets for four weeks. A book is available for purchase for $10. The book enhances the classes, but it is not required.
November 11
- No Sunday School – All gather at 10 am for breakfast in the Great Room.
November 18
- Happy? What is it and How to Find It – Room 101
Happy? What It Is and How to Find It by Matt Miofsky answers the question of how we can find lasting happiness in our lives. The book defines what happiness looks like according to the Bible and then describes ways that we can achieve happiness through relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control.
Matt Miofsky explores these concepts through some unexpected biblical texts, but his basic theology is sound: it is only when we turn to God that we will find lasting happiness.
The class meets for four weeks. A book is available for purchase for $10. The book enhances the classes, but it is not required.
- Jesus the Game Changer – Room 103
This video-based discussion class looks at how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters.
November 25
- Jesus, the Game Changer – Room 103
This video-based discussion class looks at how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters.