About Us: Grace’s Story
Jesus calls us to grow in faith together, and at Grace we fully embrace that call. We believe that by worshiping together and building relationships, we are building the community of faith that Christ envisions.

Our congregation values theological diversity, sharing Godly love for each other even if we interpret our beliefs differently. Outstanding inspirational music is a tradition at Grace, one that continues to lead us in our worship of God. We also value strong Sunday school programs for adults as well as for children. Just as our children and youth have come to know God and each other through Grace’s programs, adult fellowships have led to support groups and long-lasting friendships.
Founded more than 100 years ago just east of downtown, Grace and its congregation moved to the east edge of Wichita in 1948, to East Douglas and Bleckley in Crown Heights. As the congregration’s awareness of the needs of others became apparent, Grace became known as the stone church with the warm heart.
In the 1990s, the congregation made the conscious decision to remain at its East Douglas location and actively reach out to the immediate community rather than move to the suburbs. Expanded facilities and other improvements in the 1990s – the building of the Great Room, a larger kitchen and more classrooms; the establishment of the Jacob’s Learning Ladder preschool and childcare program – made reaching out to the community even more possible.
We believe that to do the work of the Lord, to be His followers, we must reach out to individuals and our neighbors, whether in the next block or in a distant land. You, too, may find meaningful worship, fellowship and grace at Grace.
Our Denomination
Grace is part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). Learn more at: