Yellow Bag Sundays in March: International Rescue Committee

Imagine traveling to a foreign country, not knowing the language, not having a support system, and not taking many, if any, of your personal possessions with you. This is what it is like for refugees who come to our community through the International Rescue Committee. Now think of all the help that our new neighbors need and all the help we can give. Our congregation has a long history of supporting refugees who find themselves in their new home in Wichita, and once again, we are being asked to help. Our Yellow Bag collection for March is to provide funding for baby/toddler items. IRC requests we donate cash to this cause, giving the staff the flexibility to buy items most needed by refugee families. IRC is looking to provide strollers, cribs, car seats, and other furniture items. NOTE: IRC does not provide clothing to their families.

Please give your donations to our church via cash or check, make checks payable to Grace Presbyterian Church, and be sure your donation is earmarked for Refugee Team on the memo line. Should you have physical items to donate, leave them by the coffee bar and they will be delivered to IRC. Your generosity, especially at this uncertain time for refugees, is greatly appreciated and greatly needed.

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